Grandmas natural handcrafted soap – Tuesday -January 16 ,2024
As a natural soap maker, I use essential oils and natural colors in my handmade soap. That includes ingredients as a herb , plants , oils , natural clays , which comes from a natural source around the World’
1. Australian Face and Body Tea Tree Soap with Organic Green Natural Color Spirulina Powder

Natural Handcrafted Soap Company Australian Tea Tree Soap with Organic Spirulina
Australian Tea Tree Soap – Etsy
2. All Natural Sea Kelp / Moss With Green Algae & Spirulina !

3. Greek Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Soap with the Green Olive Tree Leaf and Mediterranean Sea Salt !

4. Peppermint Soap with Green Sea Clay Color

5. Florida Citrus Sunshine Orange Tangerine Citrus Soap with Brazilian Green Lime

What are the benefits of citrus soap?
It also helps fight acne. Lime helps treat dark spots and acne and brightens the skin. Tangerine improves skin tone and helps prevent sun damage. Orange is among the least acidic citrus fruits, and it’s great for exfoliating and detoxifying skin to achieve a smoother texture.
Citrus Natural Handmade Soap
Natural Soap Colors
Natural colorants, won’t give you the bold color , vibrant hues that commercial soaps give you. (Remember most of those are artificially colored.) Instead, you get soft to deep muted tones that nature intended. While some give you only color, some natural colorants give you more, such as exfoliation, antioxidants, or other benefits.
To achieve a green color, you can use natural colorants such as spirulina powder, matcha powder, or parsley powder. Alternatively, you could use a soap dye specifically made for soap-making.

Discussions and forums and others green natural colors
Alfalfa: (use dried, ground alfalfa) gives medium green color
Kelp: green color; minerals and iodine in minute amounts
- Spearmint: (use dried, ground) green to brown color
- Spinach: (use dried, ground) produces a light green color
- Spirulina: produces green to bluish-green color
- Wheatgrass juice: (use dried) gives green color
Chlorophyll: (use powdered) green color; has deodorizing properties
Green tea powder: a natural soap colorant that gives brownish-green color; antioxidants
Henna: olive green to greenish-brown color
Natural Green color | Soapmaking Forum